Family Teacher Association

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of the PS 295 Family Teacher Association (FTA) is to expand and enhance the opportunities for education and personal growth available to each student at our school.

  • Planning events and programs that bring our diverse school family together to get to know each other.

  • Raising funds through events, programs, donations and grants to help the school provide programs in areas like music, dance and technology.

  • Helping our school community understand the opportunities available to them and by making sure their needs and concerns are understood and addressed by the school’s leadership.​

You might have heard of a Parent Teacher Association (PTA). We are a Family Teacher Association (FTA), which is a more inclusive and welcoming name for households of all kinds.

Executive Committee (2024-25)

President, Elton Dodson 

Treasurer, Samantha Lieberman 

Secretary, Molly McIntyre

Communications, Armistead Booker

Grants and Fundraising, Madeline Kerner

Events, open position

Family Engagement, open position

Pre-Kindergarten Representative, open position 

Kindergarten Representative, open position 

English as a New Language Representative (ENL Rep), open position 

Title One Advocacy, Kelli Kathman

Meeting Dates

Family Teacher Association meetings are held each month, both in-person and via video chat. All parents, guardians, caretakers, teachers, and staff are welcome to attend.

Upcoming meetings for the 2024-25 school year will be announced soon. 

Leadership Selection

Each spring, the FTA membership elects parents and caregivers to serve on the Executive Committee (EC). Terms last one year with a two-year limit. The EC meets once each month to discuss FTA business, events and programs, as well as various issues in the school and its community. You should feel free to contact your EC members any time you have questions or issues. EC meetings are held once a month in addition to regular monthly FTA meetings.


NYC Department of Education FTA / PTA Bylaws